Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009


I’ve just read an article at „“ and it talks about the SPÖ disaster in EP elections while ´EU rebel´ Martin lands victory. You can find the article at the link

Basically what it says is that the SPÖ was the biggest loser in the European Parliament election.
It also says that the SPÖ won just 23.9 per cent of the vote, down from 33.3 per cent at the EP elections in 2004. This is the party’s worst result since 1945.
The article gives you the information that the ÖVP won the vote with 29.7 per cent.
This result means that the ÖVP will win six mandates, the same they had won in 2004. The SPÖ will just have five and Hans-Peter Martin wins three. The FPÖ will have two mandates and the Greens will only have one.

As far I am concerned I think that the vote wasn’t so important for me because I was not allowed to vote.

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